Wednesday, January 1, 2020

An Analytical Field Report On Buddhism - 1532 Words

The purposes of this Analytical Field Report is to take what if have learned about Buddhism and apply it to the real world, focusing on the impact Buddishm has had on the United States. In addition we where asked to find a Buddhism Temple and addten a public event and report our findings and observations in addition to specking with a monk or teacher. I chosa and Shin Busddishm Temple, which had a particularly focus on Pure Land Buddhism. The temple is Midwest Buddhist Temple which is located in —- . On November twelfth I attended a Zen Shin meditation service. From my oversavtions and reproach I have conducted that this is temple has mastered preveresing BUddist tradition while not heshiting to make accommodation for AMericna and the modern world. This to me was an interesting topic that i explore throughput my report. I will began by painting an image of the temple and my experience inaction to the the hisorty of SHIn BUssuis as whole and end by making the pint that it is possible to maintain the tradisiton values in a modern American world. Shin Buddism was the frsit branch of Buddism that told hold outside of Asia in the Unites states in the late 1800’s. Unlike other small groups of temples in the west primarily focused on serving the Japanese-American community, Shin Buddism It was also one of the first braced to reach out to westerns. as a result of its welcoming takes its popular grew and in the 1930’s Shin temples came tother to become the Buddist ChurchesShow MoreRelatedPrinciples And Beliefs Of Scientology1899 Words   |  8 Pageslives. Overall, the book is more of an ever-true philosophy of those involved in the religion that any form of scientific truth. 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